Saturday, April 3, 2010

Plein Air Painting

There is an undeniable urgency when painting outdoors – nature's so grand, the canvas so small. It takes the human mind with all its grand abilities and complexities to sort through the overwhelming visual feast set before it and re-create on canvas the essential components of such beauty and wonder. (Jan Blencowe)

To look, to see, to understand, to capture – however imperfectly – is to be part of the land in a way like no other. (Jan Blencowe)

This Jan Blencowe is a smart cookie! These quotes sum it up perfectly...this is exactly how it feels to paint en plein air! My friend Hollis and I ventured out to Battleground park recently for an afternoon painting session. This is a picture from the middle of the process. I stopped in the middle of my painting due to a beautiful yet painful glaring sun, but we will have to go back. Next time I will bring my hat... just like Hollis!

Painting en plein air is all about losing yourself in the moment. You have to look with all of your heart.. and quickly too! The light shifts, highlighting different bands of color at different times. It takes an urgency and a tenacity to commit the outdoors to canvas... but it is rewarding... and so fun!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That Jan Blencowe is a smart cookie. Almost makes me want to paint...