Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Walk and Purple Soup

Sometimes you just have to concede to failure. Not every dish can be delicious, and sometimes you have to admit when something isn't even good -- at all. I had one of those frustrating moments where nothing came together on Sunday night. After a beautiful walk in our 6-inches of snow, I felt a growing need for some warm soup. After raiding my fridge and freezer, I thought I could whip out a sausage-veggie soup concoction that would be perfect for a cold evening.

I was wrong. Apparently purple potatoes, red wine, balsamic vinegar and sausage don't really go together very well-- at all. Yuck! I couldn't even eat my bowl of soup at dinner, much less serve the leftovers. You win some, you lose some...So here are some pretty snow pictures instead of a soup recipe. These holly trees were growing on the golf course site off of Horsepen Creek Rd and the boats were lodged deep in the snow near the lake. In just a few months, they'll see sunshine and tans instead of this cold layered icy concoction. For now it's just so peaceful and pristine.

1 comment:

hollis said...

I love your blog!
Purple soup! I think that you are in-cooperating your painting and cooking, a fine idea!