Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Plein Air Springtime

Oh to paint outside in the springtime! This is what the days were made for... slow afternoons full of sunshine, color and a soft breeze. When I put on my painting shirt and whip out my brushes and French fold-up easel I'm perfectly content with the world.

Last week I visited a friend's neighborhood and set up near a sidewalk and a pretty willow tree. Painting in plein air has always been thrilling. The experience carries the same kind of urgency that figure-drawing class carries. You have to capture what's in front of you quickly! Catch it before the light shifts, or you may never catch it at all. Beware of fire-ants, mosquitoes and sunburns. They'll sneak up on you when you're absorbed in a composition.

While I liked this little painting on the easel, I haven't been satisfied with it since I returned to the studio. I may re-work it, or I may paint over it completely depending on my mood and current inspiration. Today I'm off for more. This afternoon it's Battlefield park.

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